FAFSA Reminder:

All new and returning students need to fill out the FAFSA to ensure proper distribution of your financial aid.

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Iggy with Balloons

Office of Mission & Identity

Creating a More Inspired, Just, and Humane World

The Office of Mission & Identity at Loyola University New Orleans fosters our Jesuit and Catholic mission and identity.

In partnership with university administration, students, faculty, and staff, the Office of Mission & Identity promotes a vision and culture inspired by the Ignatian Tradition.

Committed to our common human dignity and to the goodness of all creation, we are inspired by the Jesuit and Catholic vision that sees that "The world is charged with the grandeur of God." We are on the lookout for truth, goodness, and beauty wherever they may be found, including in the diversity of faith traditions and in people of every culture, race, language, and economic status.

Connect With Us 

Whether you're seeking involvement or answers to a question, we'd love to hear from you. Drop by our office in Marquette Room 242. We have books and other materials related to Loyola's mission and identity we can share with you. 

John Cunningham, S.J., Ph.D.
Vice-President for Mission & Identity

Faculty & Staff Retreats

Join your colleagues for a spiritual retreat.

M&I Initiatives

Explore mission-driven opportunities.

Mission & Identity Events

Students Praying at Mass

Our Catholic, Jesuit Identity

Our Catholic, Jesuit traditions commission us to offer a welcoming environment and supportive services to all members of the university community and to members of all faith traditions. We assist the formation of our community members to be contemplatives-in-action and to inspire renewed commitment to service and justice as men and women with and for others.

Retreat in Bay St. Louis

Faculty & Staff Retreats

The Office of Mission & Identity hosts retreats throughout the year for faculty and staff to come together, reflect, and join in community. Retreats are open to Loyolans from all faith backgrounds and available at no cost due to the sponsorship of generous Loyola benefactors. The two-day spiritual retreat benefit may be applied to these retreats with the approval of your supervisor.

Marquette Hall


We strive to constantly reflect upon and improve our mission and identity as a Jesuit Catholic institution. Use the following resources to learn more about our mission, community, and engagement.

Prayer Resources

Browse a collection of resources managed by Student Life & Ministry. 

Faith Formation

Learn about faith formation services at Loyola, including confirmation and marriage preparation. 

Ignatian Year

This Ignatian Year marked 500 years since Ignatius of Loyola's transformative "cannonball moment." 

Ignatian Spirituality

Learn more about the history of the Ignatian Tradition.